Hello, welcome.
My name’s Rachel, and I work one to one at my practice room in Bristol.
A little bit about my background, for the past decade I’ve immersed myself in the world of psychological, emotional and spiritual healing, being a sensitive and emotional human being has meant I’ve been continually drawn to investigate and explore my inner world, to bring care and healing to the places that are in need, and to ultimately bring myself home, over and over again to the deeper Self within.
My struggle with dissociation, anxiety and depression has eased significantly through coming into relationship with my shadow. As well as talking therapy I use creativity as a nourishing way into my unconscious and I’m a huge advocate of connecting with the phenomenal creative force within which has the potential to put us in touch with something greater than ourselves and to give expression to the unconscious aspects of the psyche.
I’m devoted to the journey of deepening into embodied compassion through the continual journey of learning how to embrace and accept more of myself, the messy gritty sides of me as well as the magnificence. A core focus in my life is rooted in my human relationships and in learning how to keep my heart open and my truth speaking amidst the triggers, differences, boundaries and the complex inner workings of our psyches. I don’t think there is anywhere else that can bring us into such direct contact with our shadows than longterm relationships, be that romantic, friendship or family. And it resonates for me the quote that says ‘In our earliest memories of relationship we are wounded and so in relationship we can heal’.
Learning to share my vulnerable and painful experiences with the people I feel safe with has transformed my experience of being alive. And having spaces where I can share my vulnerability allows parts of myself to gently come home and I am able to deepen a little more into my relationships, and allow a little bit more of myself to be seen and welcomed into life.
I believe in the healing force that is within all beings which moves in the cyclical pattern of nature - Life, Death and Re-birth. The Death process I see is like the caterpillars transformation into a butterfly, the caterpillar must first turn into mush as part of the transformational process, and sometimes that is also necessary as part of our own healing journey. Death (transformation) is agonising, lonely and risky (Marion Woodman - Mythopoetic Author and Analytical Psychologist) we have to be willing to suffer the loss of those things that stand in our way of freedom. I believe if we allow ourselves to attune to the healing force within, it will continually move us towards our deeper Self, the Divine within.

If you are strong enough to be weak enough we are given a wound that never heals. It is the gift that keeps the heart open.
Oriah Mountain dreamer
I’m delighted to offer a compassionate and respectful space for you to explore and integrate your shadows. I work closely with the body in which our pain and trauma is stored on a cellular level. The body is a direct gateway into our unconscious and into our emotions, it can guide us towards ways of releasing and transforming our emotional pain and trauma into wisdom and awareness.
I spent 2 years with Amanda Raymond and Dominique Sakoilsky exploring and working with the body and the nervous system. I learnt the healing power of yin energy and how to use gentle psychological, spiritual and physical inquiry for healing, as well as herbal medicine, body-work and movement.
In 2019 I trained with Marianne Hill and Rod Boothroyd on the two year Healing The Shadow training. We studied the psychological theories common to most counselling or psychotherapy trainings – trauma theory, attachment theory, relationship dynamics, transactional analysis, developmental theory, systemic theory, projection, transference and countertransference – the concept of the shadow, its presentation and its origins.
I receive regular supervision.
I welcome LGBTQIA+ clients, and clients from all ethnic backgrounds to my practice.

“Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke
Qualifications and training
In 2017 I trained with Amanda Rayment and Dominique Sakoilsky on a year long course as a Women’s Health Practitioner.
In 2018 for a whole year I continued my learnings on deeply listening and attending to the body and the nervous system as well as exploring relationship to Self with Amanda Rayment.
I trained for two years with Marianne Hill and Rod Boothroyd and qualified as a Healing The Shadow Practitioner in October 2021.
From 2022 till 2024 I was a support trainer on the Healing The Shadow two year training program. Here I continued to deeply immerse myself in the tools and theory of being a Healing The Shadow Practitioner, as well learning the teaching methods used.

“I hope you will go out and let stories, that's life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories from your life - not someone else’s life– water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom. That is your work. The only work.”
— Clarissa Pinkola Estes