I offer a call of up to 45 minutes to discuss any questions you may have about shadow work and what this work could offer you.
At the beginning of the session we will spend some time settling into the body and deeply connecting with your Core Self and from there we will discus what you're bringing with you to explore for your session. Throughout your session we will spend time exploring the different parts that arise in you in response to the issue you’ve brought with you that you’re wanting to look at. And in longer sessions I may invite you to step onto the carpet in the room which represents your inner world, to inhabit a part of you that you are wanting to get to know. The session is brought to completion with the invitation of connecting with your Core Self and allowing enough space to integrate what we’ve explored into this place of Source. I often offer music, some guidance and the burning of sage to support integration and the settling back into the body.
The Sessions I offer vary in length and are from a 1 hour session to a 3 hour session. Please choose what most resonates for you.

“Look within and approach everything with gratitude, devotion and respect, and all will return back to true nature, pure balance and strength.”
— Papaji
Why people come to this work
There are many reasons why people come to this work. Amongst other things people come:
To explore and bring healing to the losses they’ve experienced in their life - as well as having experienced a physical loss it can be a sense of loss from something they never had in their life
To explore, embody and release raw or repressed emotions
To get to know their anger in a safe therapeutic space so that they can access the positive sides healthy anger can offer them
To understand themselves better
To integrate and bring healing to their inner child
To explore intrusive and violent thoughts and feelings so that they can understand, integrate and bring healing to these parts of themselves
To get in touch with their vulnerability so that they can experience deep and fulfilling intimacy with their loved ones
As part of their psychedelic integration process
As part of their journey of healing childhood trauma - this can be psychological, emotional, sexual or physical abuse
To deepen into compassion and acceptance for themselves

“The Warrior emerges from the grip of her own demons and shadows, and from a culture of spiritual famine. She will guide us through our seasons of change, through the mazes conducted by our shadows, to our essence which is free.”
— Christina Feldman